Package studio.magemonkey.fabled.dynamic
Class DynamicClass
- All Implemented Interfaces:
A basic implementation of RPGClass that loads from the dynamic folder instead of the normal one. There's not really a difference between normal classes, just this is used repeatedly and is added based off configs versus coded ones which need to be manually registered.
You should not use this class as it is meant for dynamic usage and any other usage would only be an extra layer.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class studio.magemonkey.fabled.api.classes.FabledClass
actionBar, needsPermission, settings
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class studio.magemonkey.fabled.api.classes.FabledClass
addSkill, addSkills, allowExpSource, arrange, canStartCombo, canUse, disallowExpSource, getActionBarText, getAttribute, getBaseHealth, getBaseMana, getGroup, getGroupSettings, getHealth, getHealthScale, getIcon, getIcon, getMana, getManaName, getManaRegen, getManaScale, getMaxLevel, getName, getOptions, getParent, getPrefix, getPrefixColor, getRequiredExp, getRoot, getSettings, getSkillMap, getSkills, getSkills, getSkillTree, getToolIcon, hasActionBarText, hasManaRegen, hasParent, isAllowed, isNeedsPermission, load, receivesExp, reloadSkillTree, save, setActionBarText, setAllowedExpSources, setManaName, setManaRegen, setPrefix, softSave
Constructor Details
Constructs a new dynamic class- Parameters:
- API referencekey
- key for the class