Package studio.magemonkey.fabled.cmd

package studio.magemonkey.fabled.cmd
  • Classes
    Command to clear all bound skills
    A command that gives a player class experience
    A command that allows a player to view their skill tree
    Backs up SQL data into local config files
    Command to toggle on/off the skill bar
    Command to bind a skill to an item
    Command to bind a skill to an item
    Fabled © 2024 studio.magemonkey.fabled.cmd.CmdChangeClass
    Command to clear all bound skills
    Command to bind a skill to an item
    Fabled studio.magemonkey.fabled.cmd.CmdExp
    Command to clear all bound skills
    A command that resets the attributes of a player
    A command that makes a player cast a skill regardless of them owning it or not and also ignores cooldown/mana costs.
    A command that gives a player class experience
    A command that allows a player to profess through classes
    Command to clear all bound skills
    Command to forcefully modify a skill's level
    Fabled studio.magemonkey.fabled.cmd.CmdExp
    A command that displays a player's current class information
    A command that gives a player class levels
    A command that displays a player's account information
    A command that gives a player class experience
    A command that gives a player class experience
    A command that makes a player cast a skill regardless of them owning it or not and also ignores cooldown/mana costs.
    A command that displays the list of available profess options
    A command that gives a player class experience
    A command that allows a player to profess through classes
    Command for refunding invested skill points
    A command that allows a player to profess through classes
    A command that allows a player to profess through classes
    A command that allows a player to view their skill tree
    A command that allows a player to view their skill tree
    Command to bind a skill to an item