Class ParticleEffect

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ParticleEffect extends Object implements IParticleEffect
A particle effect that can be played
  • Constructor Details

    • ParticleEffect

      public ParticleEffect(String name, PolarSettings shape, PolarSettings animation, ParticleSettings particle, DirectionHandler shapeDir, DirectionHandler animDir, String size, String animSize, int interval, int viewRange, boolean withRotation, double initialRotation)
      shape - shape formula details
      animation - motion animation formula details
      particle - settings of the particle to use
      shapeDir - shape orientation
      animDir - animation orientation
      size - formula string for shape size
      animSize - formula string for animation size
      interval - time between animation frames in ticks
      viewRange - range in blocks players can see the effect from
  • Method Details

    • play

      public void play(org.bukkit.Location loc, int frame, int level)
      Plays the effect
      Specified by:
      play in interface IParticleEffect
      loc - location to play at
      frame - frame of the animation to play
      level - level of the effect
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IParticleEffect
      name of the effect
    • getInterval

      public int getInterval()
      Specified by:
      getInterval in interface IParticleEffect
      time between each frame in ticks